Sunday, January 1, 2012


Merry New year. In efforts to be a better human being, I'm quitting drinking. Seems like a simple enough thing. The problem I think I'm going to have overcoming is that everyone sort of says they don't really want to hang out with the sober me, (He's a morose mother fucker)

Understandably the drunken me has a lot less restrictions and thoughts that slow him down, dulled and impervious with a diminished sense of pain. Well, I'm going knee cap that bitch. Cut his balls off so to speak. No more beers or scotches or Jager bombs or mixed drinks. Then what will become of all those glorious old good times? Master hunter no more. They will change, they must. I have had glorious times, while stone cold sober, I just don't really recall those times. Now I'm rambling on along. Longingly speaking of liquors. F that.

Anyway, Day 1, was invited to the bar. Didn't go. Success for day 1.

1 comment:

There is only story said...

I have never said you weren't fun to hang out with when sober.